Staying Strong, Vibrant and Full of Energy After Age 50

Bust the myth about the slowing of your metabolism at menopause and beyond. Join us for a fun, informational conversation with Debra Atkinson, founder of Flipping50, on October 20, 2021, at 2pm ET.

Debra has been speaking on fitness and life-enhancing topics for more than 30 years. She is a Certified CoachU Graduate, coaching clients in the areas of wellness, personal training and more. She is also an author and six-time Ironman finisher.

Debra earned both her B.S. and M.S. in Exercise Science and Exercise and Sports Psychology, respectively, from Iowa State University.  She is certified by the American Council on Exercise, the National Strength and Conditioning Association as she has presented at numerous national and international conferences and events. Debra will share with us her philosophy on how we can do safe, sane and simple exercise programs at home that can help us reach our health and fitness goals at midlife and beyond!

View the recording here.