Developing a Bone-Health Action Plan

Episode 27: Developing a Bone-Health Action Plan

Theresa Reagan

Theresa Reagan

Last fall, Theresa Reagan shared her story with us on the Bone Talk blog as part of our Voices of Osteoporosis initiative. Throughout her life, she has tackled many health challenges related to her fertility and ovaries, while also trying to stay focused on her overall wellness, including her bone health. After years of managing a consistent health regimen that included things like good nutrition, appropriate supplements and regular exercise, Theresa found out this past fall that she has osteoporosis. While she allowed herself the space to feel sad and upset, she also quickly made up her mind to take this challenge head on. As we start the new year, we can’t help but feel inspired by her optimism, focus and dedication to finding a positive path forward. We are so pleased to have her with us on this episode of Bone Talk to share her story and tell us more about how she has been approaching her bone-health action plan for the future.