My Bones, My Life: How I’m Taking Charge of My Health After a Devastating Diagnosis

My Bones, My Life: How I’m Taking Charge of My Health After a Devastating Diagnosis
By Stacey Schalde

Stacey Schalde

At age 53, I was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis. I was completely blindsided and devastated with this diagnosis as it was not on my radar of health issues to be concerned about. My diagnosis came from chasing a pulled muscle. After six weeks of physical therapy and no improvement, I had some imaging done which showed mild degenerative disc changes with small protrusions.  This result led to a bone density scan.

I grew up and currently live on the Central Coast of California. I began dancing at the age of 5. As a dancer my weight was tightly controlled through my twenties. I was never worried about my bones as I consumed plenty of calcium-rich food and drinks and have been fortunate enough to never experience a fracture.

When I was pregnant with my daughter at age 31, I experienced my first kidney stone. For the next 12 years, I battled calcium oxalate stones. This led me to decrease my calcium intake to prevent the stones from forming and calcium supplements were not encouraged. At age 41, I had a partial hysterectomy. Hormone therapy replacement was never initiated as my ovaries were left in place and I had minimal perimenopausal symptoms.

Since my diagnosis, I have been under the care of an osteoporosis specialist at UC San Diego Health. Their monthly education meetings as well as resources found on the BHOF website have been invaluable.

Adjustments have been made to my diet and exercise. I am on hormone replacement therapy and increasing my calcium and vitamin D through diet and supplements. As far as exercise, I have not been back to dance class yet as I am still learning about limitations on what I can and should not do to prevent falls and fractures. I walk several times a week using light ankle and wrist weights and take barre class 2-3 times per week.

While this diagnosis makes me sad and is scary, I will continue healthy and safe lifestyle pursuits as I learn more about my diagnosis.

This story is part of a support initiative called Voices of Osteoporosis: Stories of Hope and Inspiration. If you have experienced osteoporosis as a patient or caregiver, we invite you to share your story. Your story could inspire others to learn how to protect their ability to live their best life and stay bone strong. Click here to learn more.